Chile Flag is raised to fore top of the USS Brooklyn and USS Nashville docked at Philadelphia Naval Base in Philadelphia.
Location: Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Date: 1951, January 29
Activities aboard a ship docked at Philadelphia Naval Base in Philadelphia. Ships in Reserve Fleet Basin. USS Brooklyn (CL-40) light cruiser in the foreground. Stern view of USS Brooklyn and USS Nashville (CL-43). Ships tied side by side. United States and Chile Naval officials with States Department representatives on deck of USS Brooklyn. Navy band plays. American flag lowered and the Chilean Flag is raised aboard the USS Brooklyn. Chilean flag raised aboard the USS Nashville. United States Navy Rear Admiral Roscoe E Schuirmann turns ships papers to Chilean Ambassador Felix Nieto Del Rio. Chilean flag fly at foretop of the USS Nashville and USS Brooklyn. Chilean officers inspect. Ambassador Del Rio and Vice Admiral of the United States Navy, Immanuel Holger come up gangway of USS Brooklyn. Rear Admiral Schuirmann greets them. Yni Louis Rivas Voisin and Yoeman Felix Labbe of the Chilean Navy raise flag aboard USS Brooklyn.
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